Soviet Era Problems Stil Plague Russian Nuclear Submarine Construction
By Bruce Rule - Nov 6, 2014
In examining many of the sites linked in recent postings, it became evident that, historically, Soviet shipyards frequently were forced to deliver new construction nuclear submarines which still have numerous technical problems, the deadline being more important that ship's safety.
The quote below from the linked site (2012) suggests such issues still plague the Russian Navy.
Kudrik did not expect the new round of sea trials would lead to expedited launch dates, especially for the Severodvinsk, which as the chief representative of a new sub class, is already past its prime. (A very interesting comment consistent with the SEVERODVINSK being just a "rehashed" AKULA.)
“Soviet and Russian submarines have always being noisy due to the poor quality of building materials,” said Kudrik. “The reactor plant installed on this submarine is of newer design and it seems to be suffering from not being properly tested. Russian industry has been in shambles ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and recovery is protracted and painful,” he said, adding, “This new submarine is an example of how bad things are.”