More on the Enormous Power of Submarine Pressure-Hull Collapse Events
By Bruce Rule - Feb 27, 2014
As discussed in a THRESHER article already archived on this site, analysis of acoustic data confirmed the pressure-hull of the USS SCORPION collapsed at 18:42:34Z (GMT) on 22 May 1968 at a depth of 1530-feet (680 psi) with an en energy release equal to the explosion of 13,200 pounds of TNT at that depth..
That collapse event acoustic signal, detected by an Argentia SOSUS array at range of 976 nautical miles, was produced by the pressure-induced oscillations (alternate contractions-expansion cycles) of air trapped within the collapsing structure, i.e., the bubble-pulse frequency (BPF)
The SCORPION BPF was 4.46 Hz, the reciprocal of which (0.224 seconds) is the time of the first bubble compression-expansion oscillation. Half that value (0.112 seconds) is the time within which the pressure-hull and all internal bulkheads were destroyed by the compression phase of the collapse event.
Imagery of the SCORPION wreckage taken by the US submersible TRIESTE II in 1969 confirm two after-sections of the pressure-hull had “telescoped” (one within the other) by a distance of about 50-feet. For this to have occurred, force would have had to have been applied circumferentially (symmetrically) as would have occurred from a pressure-induced collapse at great depth. It would NOT have occurred had there been an explosion external to the pressure-hull as conjectured by the SCORPION Court of Inquiry.
If the after section of the two sections that telescoped traveled 50 feet forward in 0.112 seconds, the average velocity of that motion would have been about 300 mph with acceleration to that value having been essentially instantaneous.