Documenting Unique Events, Some of Which May Apply to the MH370 event
By Bruce Rule - Mar 25, 2014
The writer was the Missile Impact Location (MILS) Officer at Eleuthera in 1959-1960. During this period, a JUPITER Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) was fired from the Cape to its minimum range of 325 nautical miles (nm),
the impact point for which was about 60 nm from the array and a similar distance from the T-building.
We went outside to see if we could observe the re-entry. It was spectacular. The single-stage after-body broke up upon re-entry and produced as many as a dozen fire-trails as it entered the lower atmosphere. We then ran back
to the MILS station to listen to a single-hydrophone audio. What we heard was a large number of signals best described as clicks you can make with your tongue against your teeth; very short duration - tenths of a second with energy
well within the audio range. Based on information then available on ATLAS re-entries at ranges of 5,000 nm,
the nose-cone of the JUPITER should have impacted the water with a velocity of 350-400 mph, the fragmented after
body probably at equal or slower speeds. To hazard a guess, I'd estimate those after-body impacts could have been detected at ranges as great as circa 1,000 nm. If MH370 impacted at s similar speed and was intact as Air Egypt 990 was in 1999, then we may be talking about a detectable very short duration signal out to 2000-3000 nm.